Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Fashion Add-On Feature Story

Drip Talk:

As you know fashion plays a HEAVY role in the hip-hop industry and the youth. Designer clothes, Sneakers, and accessories are all purchased by artists and showed off in music videos, photoshoots, etc. Today's Artist just happens to be a major fan when it comes to high fashion clothing and apparel. Major Drip can be spotted in his collection of designer clothing and Nothing But Heat in his shoe collection of about 40 pairs including multiple designer pieces. Belts, bags, shoes, shirts, the Drip varies in Jetski's closet. When asked how he would describe his style in clothing he said "lots of designers, I try to invest in my Image. This is just the beginning as his collection will continue to grow more and more as his career grows.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Feature Story

Here in this post you can see the Feature Story I created for my main artist.


Feature Story:

"Starting a New Wave", This is the words of the young high school artist Kevin Jones or as his fans call him "Nw Jetskii" or just "Jetskii" for short. 16-year-old Jetskii was born and raised in a healthy home located in Miami Florida, where he attends High-school and works on his passion. While also maintaining his academics he finds a way to balance his schoolwork with his music. Music started of as just a fun hobby for him as he would record songs in his free time and freestyle with friends. Now, He has two official songs out on all platforms with around ten thousand plays in total on Spotify, and this is only the beginning.

Jetskii's style in music varies as he tries to not be a follower of any particular artist's flow. The projects he's created can range from Rap to R&B as you can't expect a particular flow on a new song. Out of all the pieces he's created he says his favorite song is one that has not been released yet called "Slime baby", so be on the lookout. Being a High-school rapper in Miami-Dade where almost everyone is trying to blow up somehow causes Jetskii to know that he must separate himself from the crowd as much as possible. In the name as the first to letters Nw, which stands for New wave, remind him not to follow in the same baths as others. When asked how he seeks out different opportunities, whether that be for beats or a studio session he said "Its all bout connections, if you know people who know people it will start a cycle"

Friday, January 17, 2020

Different Lighting Techniques

Different lighting techniques Research

In this post I decided to show sum of the different lighting techniques that I discovered during research.

This is useful to my magazine because these are the two main lighting techniques I will be trying to pull of when taking the model pictures of my artists. Since I use a black backdrop I want the shadows on the models to almost blend into the blackness so that the shot can look nice and so that the area full of light can pop.  There is no literal reason why I chose to do this besides it is the look I wanted to go for on my magazine. Its not as if the entire page will be black and white the background is just black.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Indesign Tutotrial

In this post I chose to look into the controls on Adobe InDesign CS6 because when working at school that is a program we are able to use.

When looking for tutorials and tips I came across this website which was very useful.

It was very useful because it explained how to use the controls that I would be needing in order to continue working on my cover page.

I must first transfer my logo and my model onto the black background then add in all the extra details and sub sections on the page.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Magazine Progress: Digital Sketching

In this post i will show some of my progress while making my magazine. I will be putting things together and trying things out all on a program I have called It is similar to photoshop but slightly easier to use and less compact. Basically i got a picture of my model. Carefully cropped him out and placed him on the cover with slight detailing. The product of the first sketch is shown.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Completed Logo

Completed Logos For My Magazine

After a few revisions I now have my final logo completed and ready to go on the magazine. I have two almost identical choices to chose from depending on what looks best on the magazine when everything is added on.

I chose to go with this nice and simple design with the black backdrop so the words would be easier to read. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Working On The Final Logo

In this post you can see some of the steps that I took in order to create the Logo for my magazine.

Initially I had the logo in the previous post but I felt as if it was slightly to bland so I opened up which was a photoshop like program that I already had on my computer and began to sketch around.

After doing these two sketches I immediately decided to stick with the bottom look. So, I tried out a few other designs similar to the bottom one while switching around the colors and basically I ended up sticking with the bottom design in two different colorways.

Evaluation: Question 4

Evaluation: Question #4 Question: How did you integrate technologies in this project? Throughout the course of producing this entire pro...