Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Magazine Research: Survey Results

Magazine research: Survey Results

In this post I would display my survey results for the FIRST 10 responses that I have received. These are mainly students from my similar classes.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Market Research Survey

Market Research Survey

For today's research, I created a survey so that I would be able to get feedback from fellow students considering their preference in magazines. This data would allow us to make sure that the genre we selected would actually appeal to the audience and also would give minor ideas as to how we should come about our magazines.

Link To Survey:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Magazine Research: Mast Head / Color Combinations

Magazine Research: Mast Head / Color combinations 
Image result for xxl magazine logo
Image result for vogue magazine logo
Image result for time magazine logo

By looking at these magazine logos, you can see a lot of similarities and features that are consistent through all of them. For example, by looking at them, the producers make sure to get to colors that much contradict each other so that the title can pop. From what I see, the most popular colors are the red and white combination and the black and white combination. This could have been because of one magazine blowing up with that color on the logo or simply because of how well the colors pop on each other when it comes to font though all that the producers of the magazine make sure to get a font that sticks out and pops out to a buyer.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Market Research: Sellers

Market Research: Sellers

For today's research, I took a closer look at three of the most popular rap magazines being "XXL," "Complex," and "Vibe." I looked at these three magazines and compared their overall appearance and context to see some of their similarities. I did this to get an idea of what makes them so appealing to their audience and what grabs the reader's attention.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Market research: Tactical research

Market Research: Tactical Research

      In this post, I researched the top audiences that our audience, teenagers, would appeal to. I went ahead and studied multiple genres that are "top ten topics to pitch to teenagers." 

According to this website, our magazine should be one of the genres that appeal to teenagers since it falls under the "music" category. 

  •  "Writing, F. (2016, August 12). Top 10 Topics to Pitch to Teenage Magazines. Retrieved October 21, 2019, from"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Market Research: Chosen Genre

Market Process: Chosen Genre

For my project, my teammate and I have decided to do a rap magazine. We have chosen this genre because it appeals to a lot of the people that attend our school, making the research more natural to maintain. Also, because we as a team are more familiar with hip/hop & rap as a genre rather than other genres like fashion and health. Being able to create a rap magazine would be a good genre for us because it is a topic that would keep us interested and is a genre that has a lot of different conventions when it comes to the cover page and the story going on behind the images. Research wise asking students at our school about a rap magazine rather than a dull genre would allow them to give more accurate responses rather than them clicking anything.

Image result for xxl mag

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Magazine Research: Clothing Inspiration

Magazine Research: Clothing Inspiration

In this post, I analyzed different clothing that artists wear on cover photos of magazines to have an idea of how I would eventually dress my model.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Magazine research: Cover Page Inspiration

Magazine research: Cover Page Inspiration

For this post, I looked at different magazines similar to what I aim mines to look like. I mainly looked at different cover pages so that I can get an idea of the overall look that I should try to produce.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Magazine research: Sell Lines on Magazines

Magazine research: Sell Lines on Magazines

To get an idea of how to structure my magazine, I chose to look at specific phrases or quotes that they are used to make the viewers pick up the magazine.

Image result for xxl magImage result for xxl mag

On the magazine covers, you can see different phrases and quotes like "what's wrong with New York Hip-Hop," "The struggle of female mc's," and "Does getting locked up hurt or help rappers." these are phrases that would pull viewers in and attract more people to buy the magazine. They usually are words that would have ha strong chance of attracting the magazine's target audience. For example, in a magazine like XXL, which is known for having celebrity artists of all ages, they may say things about drama or beef, struggle whether it is male or female, and thoughts about new upcoming artists that are blowing up in the industry.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Magazine Research: Double-Page Spread Conventions

Magazine Research: Double Page spread conventions

To further know how I would format my double-page spread, I will break down a professional magazine through its conventions and features.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Magazine Research: Different Types of Lighting used on the Cover Shot

Magazine Research:
 Different types of lighting used on the cover shot

In this blog post, I will be researching the different types of lighting that the photographers and editors use on the cover artist. I noticed that they tend to use lots of different techniques and strategies to make the subject be presented in different ways.

1 In this image, there is a lot of use of shadowing and enhancement that can make the target stand out with the overall idea to make them appear menacing or mysterious. Also, with the all-black background, it makes the subjects pop while adding on to the strange mood.

 2. With this picture in comparison to photo #1, yes, it is all black and white, but this time the subject is also black and white while the words follow the brand's color scheme. In this case, they could be using the black and white to add the same menacing same feel as the previous one but also to add a more vintage and old school feel. In this case, it would go in correlation with the heading because while the lighting provides an old school feel hinting that he has done this for a long time, the text also says, "Nothing left to prove."

3. In this photo cover, the use of lighting can be seen to make the subject stand out and pop out at someone interested in buying the magazine. Since his skin color pops out exceptionally with, the lighting could be used to make him look more appealing. This also would go good with the heading since it reads "eye candy of the year."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Magazine Research: Different Genres

Magazine Research: Different Genres

In order to have a little background knowledge on the type of magazine I would create, I researched the different magazine genres.

GAMING: Features articles with tips and tricks on the games and  different news while catching the readers up with information on recent tournaments results and things such.

Image result for gaming magazines

Rap/Hip-Hop: A rap magazine features articles on what is going on in different parts of the rap industry.

Image result for xxl magazine cover

Features multiple different quotes from celebrities speaking about each other while also commonly talking about all of their spotted outings.

Image result for drama magazines

Fashion: Features articles that include information and pictures of different products that will be or are already are released by popular brands.

Image result for gqstyle magazines

Animals: Features articles with facts of a variety of different animals across the globe. Often includes migration facts and animals that are becoming endangered.

Image result for animal magazines


  • Browse All Categories. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2019, from
  • (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2019, from

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Magazine Research: The Conventions Of A Magazine Cover

Magazine Research: The Conventions Of A Magazine Cover

To start my magazine creation process, I took a closer look at the conventions of a current famous magazine cover to get in idea of what should be included in mines.

Evaluation: Question 4

Evaluation: Question #4 Question: How did you integrate technologies in this project? Throughout the course of producing this entire pro...