Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cover Photo Set Up Inspiration

Cover Photo Brain Storm And Ideas

For my cover photo I would like to keep the overall look and design very sleek and calm which would allow the details on the model and the details of the magazine to be able to pop. The background color fr the shot will be black. If i will shoot the shot in the sun and crop out my model or shoot in the black area has not been decided. I am leaning on taking the shot outside though which would allow lots of natural light on the model.

Here in example of a possible setup:
Image result for camera shot setup black background

Placing my model in the sunlight however would allow for the sunlight to make his/her skin glow and pop even more on the black background. Commonly, when photographers use a black dark background they tend to make the character black and white as well which adds to the dramatic look they were going for. I would rather like my model to stand out but just as equally stand out with the color scheme.

I imagine the models face would contrast the background like this:
Related image

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